Sunday, August 16, 2009

BOOk Worm

My Dad Wants me to Study Study ,Study ,
But all i Wish is to Play ,Play and Play
To hime Education is th eonly Important thing in Life,
But for me its Like over my Head,a hanging Knife.
Eduction may makes a Future Bright and firm
But i Just don't wanna B'Cum a "Bookworm"

Why so much importance si given to Education?
Life is not an incomplete Mission ,
Life is a Gift God has given Which only calls for joy and celebration

IF Education is really What makes the man
Then Why are there more "Baddies"on Scan?
IF Education is what gives us the vision
Then Why the World is heading towards Destruction
I Want to See Life as"RAW"
I Want to Learn nature's "LAW"
I Want to give my Life a meanin

I Want to serve my Purpose of Living
I Want to gain Wisdoam on any Term
But i Just Don't wanna a B"CUM a "BOOKWORM"

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