Monday, May 4, 2009

MY footSteps Follow u

My hero is my Mom.
Most people think of a hero as a superstar
My hero is an everyday person
My hero is my Mom.

My mom is a hero she stands for hope
My mom is a person you see every day
My mom is there when I'm trying to cope
My mom was there when I was little and all I wanted to do was play.

My mom is strong and has beat all odds
My mom is a teacher and works hard at her job
My mom is a hero, she is my crystal ball
My mom is a hero who I know, will catch me if I fall.

My mom is my shining star
She is the one I look to when times are hard
Sure she isn't perfect but she isn't that far from it
But to me she is as perfect as any mom could be.
Mom you are my hero, my everything!