Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Through Eyes Of A Child

I step out of my door
holding my mom's hand.
I look straight into her eyes
They look like toasted sand.
To me she's the most beautiful
person in the world
Her soft golden brown hair
bounces with many curls.
We sit on the step and she
points to the sky.
I look and see many stars shinning
and I ask her why.
She looks down at me
with a soft smile on her face.
With a big grin I crawl onto her lap
I'm so happy, she can feel my heart race.
I put my arms around her
and give her a tight squeeze
She says I love your soft hugs
May I have another one please?
So I hug her again, kissing
her cheek softly.
Her eye's light up, as if
their smiling at me.
I look up and point to the big
white circle in the sky.
She say it's the moon and
it's shining beautifully tonight.
With a frown I look into those
all knowing eyes and ask her why?
She smile softly down at me and
my heart feels as if it can fly.
I sit and think to myself
that she knows everything.
She looks at me and says that
I make her heart just sing.
I look up and say mommy
you're so beautiful to me.
She smiles and says I wish
everyone could look through your eyes
and see.

1 comment:

  1. wat a feeling...... simply superb......
    my quote:" no one is there other than our mother " ~~~ suga ~~~~
