Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A to Z of Engineering

A is for APPLE who sent us our Macs,
D is for DEC, and they sold us a Vax.
C is the language in which we write source,
and B is our sort, which is BROKEN, of course.

E is an ERROR when code is compiled,
F is a FORK for creating a child,
G is the GETTY that sits on the line,
and H is a HANGUP whic:^?{^Zo^?{bD^]NO CARRIER

I is the INTERCONNECTION of kit,
J is the JOY when the cables all fit.
K is for KERMIT, to copy a file,
and L are the LINES that we drop all the while.

M is the MODEM we use from our home,
N are the NIGHTS which we spend on the 'phone,
O is the OUTPUT we get from the host,
and P are the 'PHONE BILLS we get in the post.

Q for SIGQUIT makes our process abort,
R is the REASON sigquit should be caught.
S is the SIGNAL we catch and ignore,
and T is the TRAP which we miss, and dump core.

U is for UNIX -- I hope that is clear,
V is the VISUAL editor here.
W stands for the WINDOWS we use,
and X for the windowing system we choose.

Y is for YACC, quite a specialist tool,
Z for the snores from the programming pool.
Written while waiting while dinner was cooking

The Engineer Song

Ohhh! I'm an engineer and I'm well paid.
I code all night and I sleep all day.
I drink my Jolt, I write some code, give up and surf the Web.
I download dirty pictures, and bill for that instead.

Ohhh! I'm an engineer and I'm well paid.
I code all night and I sleep all day.

I like Dilbert, I read sci-fi, and speak in Python quotes.
I like to code in UNIX. Powerbuilder is for dolts!

Ohhh! I'm an engineer and I'm well paid. 
I code all night and I sleep all day.

I eat fast food, I watch Star Trek, and fill myself with beer. 
I wish I had a girlie, 'cause my papa thinks I'm queer.

Ohhh! I'm an engineer and I'm well paid.
I code all night and I sleep all day.

The perks are great, they treat me well, 'cause they think I work sooo hard!
They're sending me to the COMDEX on the corporate credit card!

Ohhh...I'm an engineer and I'm well paid.
I code all night and I sleep all day!

I have no grace or social sense. Don't own a suit or tie.
My idea of witty discourse is querying EMACS vs. VI.

Ohhh...I'm an engineer and I'm well paid.
I code all night and I sleep all day!

I surfed too long, downloaded too much, ended up with a virus, you see.
Not the social type that you might think, but one on my PC.

Ohhh! I'm an engineer and I'm well paid.
I code all night and I sleep all day.